About K-State Research and Extension
K-State Research and Extension is a statewide network of educators sharing unbiased, research-based information and expertise on issues important to Kansas.
It has established local, state, regional, national, and international partnerships. It is dedicated to a safe, sustainable, competitive food and fiber system and to strong, healthy communities, families, and youth through integrated research, analysis and education.
With 131 years of research and 104 years of extension, K-State Research and Extension has been improving the quality of life and standard of living for Kansans for a century.
K-State Research and Extension is a partnership between Kansas State University and the federal, state, and county governments. Research completed is used by extension agents and others to help solve community issues. This integrated system connects the university to every county through locally based educators who serve as sources of objective information.
K-State Research and Extension is a short name for Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service.
Extension Agent, Family and Community Wellness
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Extension Agent, Family and Community Wellness
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Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
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Extension Agent, EFNEP–Nutrition
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Extension Agent, Family and Community Wellness
K-State Research and Extension -
Extension Agent, Family and Community Wellness
K-State Research and Extension -
Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
K-State Research and Extension